I started the day by creating all the orders for the lighting fittings – 16 orders in all. It felt quite satisfying to think this will close another chapter, but also apprehensive because I knew that now I will have a mountain of admin coming at me – emails and downpayments to pay and record.
To ensure the final bill to the client is correct, I have to carefully record each of the invoices in my accounting program as well as the interior design programme I use. Once I had done that, I got on to the latest update of the works quote, which included the most recent changes. I inserted all of the highlighted and discussed changes but then realised there was a difference of £10,000. Nothing jumped out, so I had to go through the two lists one by one and find the discrepancies. I saw three lines that hadn’t been signed off by me and hadn’t been highlighted by the contractors. It’s not a big problem as I will always see when the numbers don’t match, but what a pity as it’s a waste of time having to go through it all again and again. I kid you not, you have to love admin if you want to be an Interior designer … or you have a back office 🙂 that would work too …
That was it for the day. I had to then concentrate on my business. Tomorrow will be the day to pay invoices 🙂